The live one-on-one practical exam will be administered via Zoom with an experienced CCAHM examiner. Each individual exam will last approximately 15-20 minutes and will be conducted in English.
The first exam will begin promptly at 12:00 PM Eastern Time/5:00 PM UTC/GMT. To find out what time this session begins in your time zone, please use an online time converter (such as this one) before registering.
Prior to your exam date, you will receive an email with your specific exam time and a link to the Zoom meeting. Times will be assigned based on last name/family name in alphabetical order. Although you do not need to be present for the full three hours, CCAHM recommends you join the Zoom meeting a few minutes before your scheduled time. Additional information about the exam can be found in your portal once your registration has been approved.
Registration for this session will end after 2/20/24. Registration is limited to only those candidates who have already passed their written exam.